Category: Lifestyle Session

Cathedral Park

November 10, 2017 | 0 Comments

A Mighty Little Gem

May 3, 2016 | 1 Comments

I was elated to do this little squish’s newborn session just a few weeks after we did a maternity session with mama and papa. What a delightful and, may I say, advanced little lady she is. She was tracking my camera and had super sharp focus for a two week old! Very impressed by her worldliness. Also, beware naked babies who will poop when they want, how they want, and […]

March 30, 2016 | 0 Comments

Oh baby, did we have some kind of cooky weather on our shoot! We definitely wanted to get some images on the bluff since it is a special place for the couple (and since I live so close, it’s a pretty darn special place for our family too). I give lots of kuddos to these two for bearing with the epic hurricane-like weather. It gave us some very special and personal captures. I was lucky enough to […]
Hal Pal

March 23, 2016 | 0 Comments

I got an inquiry via my Instagram feed about doing a lifestyle shoot for a family that was moving into their first house, their dream house in fact (the coolest one in the hood). We quickly found out that they were moving in right around the corner from us! And well, it also happens that they are an AWESOME family with a little guy the same age as my little. So, I see this as […]
Into the woods

November 29, 2015 | 0 Comments

What a neat spot for a family session. We explored gardens, meadows, forest, and hidden tree caves all in the same place!!

November 21, 2015 | 0 Comments

You know when you meet someone and you instantly like them. This was my experience with Mary. She is a brave, assured, tender, and kind poet. Check her out here! She’s a massage therapist and bodyworker, as well as a writer.  

November 20, 2015 | 0 Comments

One of my dearest and oldest friends. How lucky am I to bear witness to her transformation into motherhood, when we were just talking about boys and homework what seems like yesterday; in actuality 18 years! I’m in love with lil’ Mr. Jazzy Fox. What a fine job you did Mom and Dad bringing this little spirit into the world. How lucky he is that he chose you. And did I […]

November 18, 2015 | 0 Comments

Cris and her mamá, Maribel, all the way from Spain! These ladies are hilarious! Their playful and close relationship reminded me so much of how my mom and I used to be; partners in crime, arguing, confidants, joyful, obnoxious with one another, and profoundly accepting and loving. It really made me miss my mom and it also brought me so much joy to see their shenanigans. Thanks ladies for being your fun-loving and brilliant selves with me!
Babies are the best!

November 17, 2015 | 0 Comments

I loved this in-home lifestyle session and this little miss completely stole the show. Mom and Dad clearly loved this little bean to pieces. How could anyone not?!!    

November 17, 2015 | 0 Comments

Lots of fun hanging with this family! We mixed in some senior pics for Miss Lacey during their lifestyle session. That’s one of the things I love most about this type of session. We can accomplish a few different things in the session as needed. In this case, we coupled a family session with a senior portrait shoot and it worked perfectly!